
Friday, September 30, 2005

5 mistakes from Linux IT Managers

Five common mistakes that Linux IT managers make and tips to avoid the mistakes.Mistake #1: Reactive, not proactive have disaster plans in place rather than trying to implement a disaster plan on the fly (hardware failure, natural disaster, compromised systems,...) plans for the future in terms of capacity planning, upgrades, and support. Mistake #2: Failing to emphasize documentation and

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bug Priority and Severity

Differentiate Priority and Severity. The effect of a bug on the software does not automatically correlate with the priority for fixing it. A severe bug that crashes the software only once in a blue moon for 1% of the users is lower priority than a mishandled error condition resulting in the need to re-enter a portion of the input for every user every time.Therefore:Track priority and severity

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Law of Demeter (LoD), Low Coupling

One of the bigger challenges in software engineering is keeping the complexity of the design under control. Two major techniques to reduce complexity are reducing coupling and increasing the cohesion of the software components/objects/methods.The Law of Demeter is a style rule for designing object-oriented systems. "Only talk to your immediate friends". The rule was discovered at Northeastern

Saturday, September 10, 2005

SOA, 4 Steps, 7 Principles

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) promises a number of benefits of which two stand out: reduced cost through reuse increased flexibility to adapt applications in order to meet changing business requirements Put simply, SOA is an architecture that enables the integration of multiple software services, creating applications and business processes that span multiple technologies and

Friday, September 2, 2005

Test Driven Project Management

Rather than limiting test driven development to unit testing (driven by development), the test organisation can explore product launch related issues such as packaging, system configuration, upgrade procedures, and documentation at the beginning of the project.Keys in a test driven project management process:Team building drive project issues, even it means picking up another department's